Kameron Westcott’s Sunglasses in Turkey on Instastories

Real Housewives of Dallas Instagram Fashion 2020

Although it’s usually up to us to track down affordable “Style Stealer” options for pricey designer items, Kameron Westcott has actually done the job for us with the Celine-dupe sunglasses she’s been wearing on her vacay to Turkey (which she apparently scored in a two-pack for only $19.98). And needless to say, we’re just glad that she let us in on this little secret so that instead of pulling the wool over our eyes, we can now do so with these super cute and affordable (that’s only for us to know though so shhh 🤫) sunnies.



Kameron Westcott’s Sunglasses in Turkey

Kameron Westcott’s Sunglasses in Turkey

Click Here to Shop Her Sunglasses on Amazon

Click Here For Info on Her Sweatshirt

Photo & Info: @KameronWestcott